The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Tanda, Gillian
Tarley, Arthur Philadelphia
Tarter, Anna
Tassy, Irene Los Angeles
Tatalias, Jim
Tavlin, Noah
Taylor, Chris Shippensburg, PA
Taylor, Rupert
Tayyar, Kareem Huntington Beach
Techler, Graham New York
Teeley, Adrienne Chicago
Tellers, Kate
Tepper, Daniel New York City
Terhune, Patty Chicago
Terrence, Jayson
Terry, Marcus
Tewell, Jordan Fishers, IN
Tharp, Elle Chicago
Thatcher, Mel ?
Theis, Elizabeth J. Brooklyn
Theisen-Jones, Holly Atlanta, GA
Thek, Kat Brooklyn
Thelen, Paul Minneapolis
Thiele, Matthew Glenville
Thigpen, Holyn Atlanta, GA
Thomas, Joseph Memphis, TN
Thomas, Gwen Los Angeles, CA
Thomas, Ben London UK
Thompson, Ryan
Thomson, Joe