The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Ivall, Paul Chichester, UK
Jabo, Mark Philadelphia, PA
Jack, Flannel Philadelphia
Jack, Brendan Johannesburg, South Africa
Jacobs, Alana Jamaica
James, Dakota Brooklyn
James, Cameron
James, Keith San Diego
James, Sarah Los Angeles
James, Drew
James, Bob New York
James, Charlie Los Angeles
Janovsky, Tim
Jansen, Wesley
Jaxton Motorbike, Clarke Austin, Texas
Jayaratna, Miriam New York City
Jayfree, KC Earth-1
Jenkins, Michael Philadelphia, PA
Jenkins, Scotty Tucker
Jennings, Shelby
Jensen, Thatcher Minneapolis
Jeranyama, BJ Brooklyn, NY
Jereb, Leah
Jhamb Burns, Alex Brooklyn
Jiang, Kevin The Mariana Trench (above Cthulhu, below Cyber-Elvis's submarine)
Jimson, Morris Columbus, NE
Jindra, Kelly Minneapolis, MN
JK, Matt
Joe, Don I live in the office
Johansson, Shelley Johnstown, PA