The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Klein, James Culver City
Kling, Emily Brooklyn, NY
Kling, Julie New York
Klipp, Kathryn Pittsburgh, PA
Knapp, Emily Denver, Colorado
Knapp, James Harrisburg, PA
Knisley, Brooke
Knott, Jenn Bavaria, Germany
Knowles, Jacob
Kocak, Courtney Los Angeles
Kochenderfer, Tim Detroit
Kocinski, Alexa Minneapolis
Koester, Summer Juneau
Koff, Tom
Kohler, Holly Portland, Maine
Koivu, Lane
Kolbet, Matt
Kolbet, Matt
Kolic, Doug Toronto
Konc, Riane
Koprince, Steven Lawrence, Kansas
Kosmos, Larissa Cleveland
Kostis, Trisha Seattle
Kozuh, Daniel Atlanta, GA
Kraese, Danielle NYC
Kram, Olivia Philadelphia
Kramer, David
Krepp, Amanda Amsterdam
Kristine, Brie Spokane, WA
Kuehn, Zoe Chicago