The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.
Last Name | Current City |
Kinsey, Noah | Los Angeles |
Kissam, Ben | Brooklyn, NY |
Kissing, Steve | Cincinnati |
Klein, Hunter | |
Klein, Frances | |
Klein, Elana | New Orleans, LA |
Klein, James | Culver City |
Kling, Emily | Brooklyn, NY |
Kling, Julie | New York |
Klipp, Kathryn | Pittsburgh, PA |
Knapp, Emily | Denver, Colorado |
Knapp, James | Harrisburg, PA |
Knisley, Brooke | |
Knott, Jenn | Bavaria, Germany |
Knowles, Jacob | |
Kocak, Courtney | Los Angeles |
Kochenderfer, Tim | Detroit |
Kocinski, Alexa | Minneapolis |
Koester, Summer | Juneau |
Koff, Tom | |
Kohler, Holly | Portland, Maine |
Koivu, Lane | |
Kolbet, Matt | |
Kolbet, Matt | |
Kolic, Doug | Toronto |
Konc, Riane | |
Koprince, Steven | Lawrence, Kansas |
Kosmos, Larissa | Cleveland |
Kostis, Trisha | Seattle |
Kozuh, Daniel | Atlanta, GA |