The latest posts from all humor columns. Everyday Artists | PIC Newspaper | First Lecture | Simon Says
Baggage Claim
Attention dating customers, please be advised that carrying on too much baggage from your ex can ruin the next relationship.
The latest posts from all humor columns. Everyday Artists | PIC Newspaper | First Lecture | Simon Says
Attention dating customers, please be advised that carrying on too much baggage from your ex can ruin the next relationship.
College can effectively be broken down into three phases: Freshman Fifteen, Your 21st Birthday, and Unemployment. Good luck with that.
Important tips for turning up the heat as the temperature drops. Girls, if you think we're talking thermostat tricks, you REALLY need a boyfriend.
If you thought the Mini-Feed was bad news, wait 'til you learn how useless a Facebook application can get. Smells like MySpace in here.
Interns, fast food workers and online poker players have one thing in common with veal cows: they're not getting any retirement benefits.
Behind all the glitz, girls and glamour of a rap video, there's a team of dedicated visionaries whose elaborate scripts never materialized.
The man behind the dashingly handsome yet chronically bitter face of the YouTube Critic reveals himself and his ghost writing methods.
Navigating the rednecks, teenie bopppers, and obese people at an amusement park is like a crazy ride in itself. Here's how to cope.
Any seasoned stoner will tell you they've seen some strange shit. Very few of those stoners can put those things into a coherent article.
Sigourney Weaver may not have been the best pick to narrate animal play-by-plays, but she's a lot better than Michael Vick or Carrot Top.
If you thought the Mini-Feed was bad news, wait 'til you learn how useless a Facebook application can get. Smells like MySpace in here.
It's obvious you've succeeded at staving off death (thus far), but could you speed things up (the treadmill) and dress the part (athletic gear)?