The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Kane, Joel New York
Kantor, Emma
Kaplan, Rebecca
Kaplan, Arie New York City
Kaplan, Jus
Kaplan, Alece Boulder
Kaplan, Seth Evanston, IL USA
Kapp, Emily Chicago
Karetnick, Jen Miami
Karlik, Michael Denver, CO
Karpus, Chase Los Angeles
Karschay, Zara
Kasuri, Laila Seoul, South Korea
Kaufman, Emily New York City
Kauppi, Katie New York, NY
Kay, Joanna
Kaye, Natalia
Keady, Sean Washington, DC
Kean, Philip Beacon, NY
Kearley, Tim Baltimore
Keck, Sean
Keene, Donovan
Keilman, Christopher San Francisco
Keller, Rachel Rose New York, NY
Kelley, Allison Brooklyn
Kelly, Peter
Kelly, Joe Chicago
Kelly, Timothy Chatham, VA
Kelly, Keri Wildwood Crest, New Jersey
Kelly, Stephanie Brooklyn, New York