The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Maye, Tianna
Mayersohn, Harris Brooklyn
Mayfield, Katy
McAvoy, Joe
McCarthy, Kevin Charleston
McCarthy, Ted
McCartney, Mary E.
McClain, Laura Chicago, IL
McCloy, Julia
McClure, Avery
McDermott, Rick Jersey City
McDermott, Kevin Frederick, MD
McDonald, Will
McDonald, Deanna Los Angeles
McDonough, Myles
McDuff, James Brighton/Hove
McEwen, Caleb Saint Paul, MN
McGarvey, Shannon Austin, TX
McGee, Robert Saarbrücken, Germany
McGowan, Sean Chicago
McGrath, Justine San Diego
McGrath, Lauren
McInerney, Matt
McKaig, Nicole Seattle, WA
McKay, Patrick Seattle
McKenny, Rachel
McLaren, Rebecca Toronto, ON
McLaughlin, Erin New York, New York
McLean, Jesse Toronto
McLoughlin, Brendan Milan, NY