The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Woessner, Jim Sausalito, California
Wolf, Stephanie Illinois
Wolfgram Evans, Noell
Wolin, Ryan Los Angeles
Wong, Kristin
Wood, John Los Angeles
Wood, Kristopher Michael Portland
Wood, Lauren Davenport (Iowa)
Wood, Jonathan
Woods, Lisa
Woods, Angela
Woolf, Geoffrey
Worby, Christian
Wyatt, Jimmy Philadelphia
Wyatt, Steve New York
Wyrick, Adam
Xu, X
Yamamoto, Ian
Yard, Nolan Central Texas
Yas, Shatha New York
Yates, Ysabel New York City
Ylinen, Leslie San Francisco
Yocco, Victor Glenside, PA
York, Sarah Papillion, NE
York, Matthew Brooklyn
Young, Courtney
Young, Jennie Green Bay, Wisconsin
Young, Robin
Yu, Sam
Zaborowske, Richie