The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Kraese, Danielle NYC
Kram, Olivia Philadelphia
Kramer, David
Krepp, Amanda Amsterdam
Kristine, Brie Spokane, WA
Kuehn, Zoe Chicago
Kuenzer, Jim
Kueppers, Henry Minneapolis
Kulshrestha, Divyansh
Kumar, Rhea
Kuperschmidt, Joe New Haven, CT
Kushner, R.J. Chicago
Kut, Andrew
Kwartler, Joel
Kyriazis, Cassandra Philadelphia, PA
Kyzer, Carolina
Labrecque, Michael
LaCour, Brad Los Angeles
Lahoda, Alice Boston
Lai, Angelica
Lalley, Maggie New York
Lamb, Mike Greenville, NC
Lamela, Tim
Landers, Pat New York
Landgraf, Greg Chicago, Illinois
Landry, Jerry Tawas City, MI
Landry, Colleen Moncton, New Brunswick
Landsman, Jordan New York City
Langford, Jarrett Chautauqua, Colorado
Langley, Mike Brooklyn, NY