The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
De Padova, Jordan Ann Arbor, Michigan
Gailey, Joe Ann Arbor, Michigan
Ferro, Michael Ann Arbor
Moore, Ian Ann Arbor
Gutenberg, Dan Ann Arbor
Gooch, Tyler Anaheim, CA
Krepp, Amanda Amsterdam
Ryals, Larry Amarillo, Texas
Peterson, Carisa Alma, Colorado
Campbell, Bobby Allentown, PA
Fielding, Trip Allenhurst, New Jersey
Duggan, Neal Alexandria, Virginia
Green, Stephanie Alexandria, VA
Binney, Chrissie Albany, NY
Withrow, Shaun Ajax
Ciampa, Maria Acton, ME
Finnerly, Jim A town, mofo
Clayton, John a small town in Montana
Thatcher, Mel ?
Southerby, E.E.
Cundiff, Mitch
Bloom, Rob
Gladyear, Simon
Frank, Paul
Waters, Allen
Kyzer, Carolina
Lee, Travis
Walton, Brandon
Freeman, Aaron
Pink, Sam