The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Brozik, Matthew New York
Brubaker, Tod Cambridge, MA
Brugal, Johnathan LA
Brumberg, Robby Birmingham
Brunati, Bryan Jersey City
Bucci, Francesca Chicago
Buckner, Zach Cortlandt Manor, NY
Buckwalter, Anne
Budin, Jeremiah
Bui, Ngoc Brooklyn
Bullard, Christopher Philadelphia
Bullen, Ross Toronto
Burger, Cameron New York
Burger, Daniel Philadelphia, PA
Burges, Audrey Richmond, Virginia
Burgis, David Los Angeles
Burke, Rea Blackpool, England
Burke, Kevin nyc
Burke, Amber Taos, NM
Burkett, Ryan
Burkhart, Brandon Los Angeles
Burnett, Sam
Burns, Mo St. Louis
Burnstein, Eli London
Burton, Phil
Butner, Matt Richmond, Virginia
Byrd, Andrew
Byrne, JB New York City, New York
Byron, Hannah
Cabello, Joe Sunnyvale