The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Sanky, Michael New York, New York
Santos, Sophie
Sanzenbacher, Brad Boulder Creek, California
Saran, Shruti
Sarat, Ben
Sarnacki, Marie Brighton, Michigan
Sarnacki, Megan
Saroff, Harry New York
Sasaki, Kenji
Sasson, Mary
Saunders, Caroline Brooklyn, NY
Savitt, Jon
Savva, Sophia Tokyo, Japan
Sawyers, Seth
Sayani, Sonia
Sayles, Dana Los Angeles, CA
Sayth, Natalie New York, NY
Schaper, Caroline
Scher, Elizabeth New York, NY
Schiappa, Joe New York, NY
Schick, Jake
Schimmelman, Peggy Livermore
Schlichte, Garrett Washington, DC
Schmidt, Maddy Boston, MA
Schmidt, Alex
Schmitt, Christopher Marietta, OH
Schneider, Chloe New York
Schocket, Andy Bowling Green, OH
Schroeder, Lauryn Grand Haven
Schubert, Crystal