The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Thorp, David Jersey City
Thunderbird, Copernicus
Tighe, Sarah Treviso
Timmins, Alejandra Los Angeles, CA
Tobin, Valerie Mantua, NJ
Todasco, Mike Santa Clara, CA
Todd, Noah
Toews, Colton Winnipeg, MB
Tollfree, Neil Brighton
Tomley, Tatiana Atlanta, GA
Toro, Sheldon
Torres Medina, Felipe New York
Totton, Sarah
Tousignant, Lauren New York, NY
Tracy, Ben
Traeger, Michael Pittsburgh, PA
Trainor, Kevin
Trajanoski, David Canberra
Tran, Victoria
Travis, Amy Los Angeles
Trimmer, Adam Columbus, OH
Trolf, Andreas Brooklyn
Trostel, Andrei In my head and now in yours.
Troupe, Michael
Trowbridge, Jacob
Trump, Donald J. New York, NY
Turek, Dominique New York
Tweedie, James A. Long Beach, Washington
Tymofie, Mike Ottawa, Canada
Uhler, Rodney