The PIC Author Index features every author who has made a literary contribution to the site since 2000, A-Z by last name. Subscribe for new comedy and updates from our editors. Manage your author page and submissions.

Last Name Current City
Davies, Harry Sydney
Pashley, Nathan Sydney
Lazarus, John Suzhou, China
Moose, Nick Super Ohio Town, Ohio
Alesso, Gregory Sunnyvale, CA
Block, Rob Sunnyvale, CA
Cabello, Joe Sunnyvale
Courter, Justin Sunnyside
Juliet, Sarah Stonington, CT
Hour, J.B. State College, PA
Spielvogel, Laurie State College
Murray, Ross Stanstead, Quebec, Canada
Beyersdorfer, Clay St. Louis
Burns, Mo St. Louis
MacIntyre, Dash St. Louis
Baumgart, Josh St. Louis
Peta, Casey St. Louis
Lawlor, Patrick Spring Lake Heights
Silly, David Sppa City, NC
Kristine, Brie Spokane, WA
Pavlish, Bryanna Spokane, WA
Russell, Mitchell Spokane, WA
Lewis, Steve South Wales
Baker, David South Orange, NJ
Robbins, Randy South Florida
Judd, Aaron Somewhere, Abroad
DeVille, Keke Somewhere Out There
F.M., Cole Somewhere in Ohio
Huber, Lucy Somerville, MA
Evers, Kevin Somerville, MA