As I grow bored walking the streets in order to get where I'm going, I start to play My Game. It's pretty simple, and you can play it too. Granted, you might need to change the rules depending on your area. Currently, I live in Seoul, South Korea. So this is my version of My Game.
When I cruise along, I find somebody with their back towards me and ask myself, "Is he Korean? Or is he white?" Now, generally, since just about everybody in Korea is Korean, I'm usually right with a bet on the home team.
But there are surprises. I'll see a fat dude and instantly think, "Oh, that fat dude is definitely white." (I know, sooo racist. Shoot me.) Then it turns out, it's just one of the rare chubby Korean dudes.
Or I'll see a scrawny guy with a crappy red dye job and exclaim in my mind, "Definitely a Korean dude." And 99.9 percent of the time, I'm right. That other .1 percent, maybe they walk too fast for me to get a solid glance at their faces, but I can guess the dyed doof can probably read Hangul (Korean).
If I really want to challenge myself, I play a different version called, "Is this a Korean dude, or a Korean chick?" This one is a lot tougher, because, well, even under close scrutiny and CSI-type evidence, sometimes you just can't tell. I could figure it out by a few simple questions, but I don't want to be the ugly American asking Korean citizens, "Are you a man or a woman?"
I did attempt to ask sexes on a truly tough decision once, but I messed up the words for "man and woman" with "male whore and female whore." Honest mistake. And to be honest, the Koreans were not that impressed or forgiving of my language slip-up.
You're probably thinking right now, "Wow, did it take KC a whole nine seconds to make up this game when he tries to tell the difference between Koreans and white people?"
Well, you're wrong.
I invented it a few years ago when I lived in Brooklyn. Except instead of telling the diff between Koreans and White People it was deciphering if somebody was a black dude or a white dude. The Black vs. White Game is a lot easier, if you can believe it. Except in winter when people wear ski masks.
So if you're even on the streets of Seoul and see me deep in thoughts as I'm staring at somebody from down the way, you know what I'm really thinking about.
ENDNOTE 1: Even the "Black Vs. White Game" is yet another rendition of the "Would I Bang This Girl Or Scream in Terror?" game I used to play.
ENDNOTE 2: If you play any of these games, you owe me some copyright money. Cheaters.