You learn and you laugh.

You have to.

This world may give you a pass
for a few
days or weeks or years
or what have you…
but you'll learn
and you'll laugh.

You have to.

They make a place for dreamers
And they make a place for sinners;
They make a place for liars
Sometimes at church dinners.

They make a case for winners
And never ask why.
They dream a little dream bigger
Until the winner says die.

Never answer questions rough.
Always smile.
To laugh and learn
Is to earn
A place in everyone's while.

The fights and songs may stand strong
On the pages of your ages
But there's nothing more perfect,
Nothing more kind
Than the look of a smile that's laughing and learning.
It stays (whether you want it to or not)
Forever in your mind.

Because we laugh and we learn.
We have to.
Or we may as well

