Some Plausible Reasons Why Scott Pruitt Might Hate Nature So Much
He's always asleep during both sunrise and sunset, so he's never seen one before. Doesn't get what the big deal is.
He's always asleep during both sunrise and sunset, so he's never seen one before. Doesn't get what the big deal is.
Historically (more for you than for me as I'm hundreds of years old), gold values increase during dips in international trade.
How could your bandmates of 13 rad-as-hell years up and replace you when all you requested was an indefinite break to go hunt aliens for a living?
Contrary to popular opinion, the aliens said even doomsday preppers won't make it that far in an apocalypse. They were explicit on this.
Spring weddings are the worst. So do as I did, and have another Winter theme: "Snuggled Up By the Fireplace While People Outside Freeze to Death."
Now that you're thinking about your breath every second of every day, your entire life from here on out is just one long yoga class. Congrats!
Relying solely on their wits and instincts, these brave kids overcame incredible odds to survive life-threatening situations.
While I am from California and a girl, I did not grow up inhaling the sea breeze, or riding shotgun in the red Jeep of a blonde guy named Chad.
I applaud you, as you were comfortable, people complimented you, and you made me appear like I had my shit together, which I did not.
There's only two types of surfers: braindead fuckheads, and guys who have checking accounts. Now, split up accordingly everyone.
Ladies, seriously? I did not anticipate that your skillsets would change because you did not want to be in a group with "that bitch."
My problem is atoms. I don't like 'em, I don't wanna have anything to do with 'em, and I definitely don't wanna be made out of them.