Welcome to My House, from Which I’ve Removed All Trace of How I Live
Put it on this coat rack, where all of my coats are. Is that because I regularly put my coats on the coat rack, rather than strewing them on the floor?
Put it on this coat rack, where all of my coats are. Is that because I regularly put my coats on the coat rack, rather than strewing them on the floor?
Our app connects you with those ready to give you quick cash for the short-term use of the mouth you already have.
Bruce: With this very unpleasin' sneezin' and wheezin, she’s revved up like a deuce. Me: Layman’s terms? Bruce: It’s totaled.
★★★ Watched on the toilet. Very meta experience. Would recommend.
He could tell at once that this luncheon’s company would be quite dull, which was always exciting.
You know what they say: you can’t live in the past, when all of my achievements paled in comparison to yours.
When Jason sees you wearing this in chemistry class, he’s gonna cream his jeans so hard that the frog he’s dissecting will come back to life!
“We’re not in the boardroom anymore, eh fellas?” I said. But Ross seemed genuinely injured.
Would you mind making me a logo for my new insect-dessert business? I was going to hire someone, but they wanted to charge me a few hundred dollars.
Anyone who tries to create a paradox gets stopped by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku and his incredible superpowers.
And your little ghost friends? They can’t spend the night. All of you swirling around in a big circle above the roof.
Kevin demands only the best from his employees. He constantly circles my desk to “check in,” especially when I’m on my period.