6 Things Every Introvert Will Understand
What happened to you? You use to be so full of life, now all you do is scroll through Internet lists, day in and day out. Well, this is an intervention.
What happened to you? You use to be so full of life, now all you do is scroll through Internet lists, day in and day out. Well, this is an intervention.
"364 days a year we are forced to hide behind majestic backdrops that are later added in over our hard work. St. Paddy's is our day to shine in the limelight." -Green Screens
After a long, hearty march to end the war, Sherman and his men were disappointed, although understanding, of the equally long, less hearty march back from the sea.
Learn from the mistakes of the tormented souls you will see on this tour of Internet Hell, or risk paying your next visit not as a guest, but with an account.
The bartender on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights is my best friend. So it would be irresponsible to waste an opportunity for 33% off drinks, RIGHT?!
2015 promises superheroes, spies, sequels, dinosaurs, robots, reboots, and probably a shitty Adam Sandler movie or six to even it all out. Now, Batman and Robin weigh in.
Writing about woman and topics related to them is one of the most difficult tasks which do exist. It's become even more challenging for me, being of very conservative society.
Why worry if people think you're crazy for travelling alone? You ARE crazy and that’s something to be proud of. You'll meet new people and tell your comfort zone to fuck off.
In the wake of recent attacks on freedom of speech, we should all take a moment to review what is clearly not acceptable to joke about, no matter how damned funny it is.
<p>Not all stereotypes of the South are necessarily true. We're not all overweight and stupid, and believe it or not, we don't all vote against our own self-interest. It might even come as surprise that the majority of Southerners have all of their teeth. But we do all have racist grandparents and an unhealthy obsession with college football.</p>
"Jared, thanks for the Gyrados. Remember when we spent all our money on Jelly Bellys just to feel something? Have an existential summer." -Seth
Barbie has evolved into a modern woman who has pursued many jobs and professions, such as Architect Barbie and Doctor Barbie. But Mattel never envisioned these Barbies.