A Financial Approach to Having Sex as Quickly as Possible
It's not sex itself that's such a waste of precious moneymaking hours; rather, it's the way we do sex. Here are some helpful techniques to streamline the sexual process.
It's not sex itself that's such a waste of precious moneymaking hours; rather, it's the way we do sex. Here are some helpful techniques to streamline the sexual process.
George R. R. Martin is best known for his A Song of Ice and Fire. Instead, he's much better known for the amount of procrastination he takes between each of his novels.
"When things get hard...just put one foot in front of the other." I should probably inform you that I followed this advice when I had sex with your girlfriend last week.
#3: Thou Shalt Disguise Narcissism with Humility. This means learning to effectively implement the "humble brag." If you can't do that, just boast instead, whatever.
I didn't want to believe it. "I've known him for years," I thought. "Why would he do this to me?" And then I opened up to page 45 and saw the pubic hair.
I can imagine the skill it takes to hack an email account, so I know you're smart. You got this far, why not market your shady products more effectively?
Alas, most of you are morons. Therefore, I have compiled a list of things you should know not to do before you buy a lottery ticket at the convenience store where I work.
In commercials you see sailors doing all kinds of awesome shit. In real life, you do a bunch of jobs so shitty you can't believe how naïve you must have been to enlist.
Good thing great authors aren't alive today. Here are 10 rejection letters they likely would have received in our current, dismal literary market.
After my wildly successful lecture series, "Where The Hell Am I? A MapQuest For The Afterlife," people had a lot more questions about Heaven. Here's my travel guide!
When at a party, stare distantly into the wind and say "I loved a woman, once" while sporting a visible erection to increase the manly perception from those around you.
We all know that going to a job interview can be very intimidating. Especially if you are a teacher. Since I've been there already, here are 7 successful strategies.