12 Steps to Achieving True Manliness
There are steps every male needs to take in order to be considered a real man amongst his peers. Rites of passage that go well beyond arm pit hair, ball-dropping, and deuce-dropping.
There are steps every male needs to take in order to be considered a real man amongst his peers. Rites of passage that go well beyond arm pit hair, ball-dropping, and deuce-dropping.
Before going to another bar and trying fruitlessly to score, find out if you've been sporting any of the following items. If so, they might be scaring girls away without your help.
Barring the influence of roofies or chloroform, or revenge for you cheating on her/treating her like shit, these are the only four reasons a woman will cheat.
As a stalker magnet, I love my creepers. No, seriously, I do. But I have some advice for the non-regulars who decide to hit on me each week to help step up their creeper game.
After ruling out drug dealer and internet sex slave for extra cash, the next realistic thing was to start playing Texas Hold’em vigorously. Here's how to run your local community center tables.
It's difficult to have one more conversation with your lost love. So the only way to give her your last two cents is to write a letter.
There are many creative ways to have a little fun messing with your friends on Facebook. Here are five of my favorites, and the screenshots to prove just how much fun they've already been!
Breaking down useless, annoying expressions like 'You gotta do what you gotta do' and 'Idle hands are the devil's workshop.' If you use these, STOP NOW OR DIE.
Just look at anything you've ever done. It sucks. You can’t talk to that girl who just smiled at you. Give up now before you get hurt.
A recklessly selected panel of 18 PIC writers, past and present, have each come up with 5-10 superlatives for various fellow writers. It's like a big circle-jerk of inside jokes!
Men (and some extraordinary women) may choose how to shape and design the hair that grows out of their human faces. And this decision is like a little window into the soul.
Although I respect NBC's 'People of the Year' nominations, I think the real awards should go to these people for showing us just how dysfunctional a year can be.