Dick Pic Etiquette
So a lady friend has winked at you via webcam and now you've decided to let the beast out of its cage. Better hope it's not too tame.
So a lady friend has winked at you via webcam and now you've decided to let the beast out of its cage. Better hope it's not too tame.
Seems like 'ol Doc in the Box knows about as much as Elvis when it comes to prescribing the right pills. Whole lotta shakin' goin' on indeed.
Online stalking will only get you so far. Planning a real life date complete with 1993 GM Safari van? Now we're talking irresistible.
Attention America: Our laziness has come to a head, and it's time we start using our feet for more than standing around. Now walk it out.
When backpacking across campus in search of sex, drugs and booze gets old, head overseas where you can buy more potent versions of all three.
So you met a buttahead that caught the dragon, and she had a troll and a yao with her but they were nassatalls. Time for a dance club dictionary.
Why don’t we sign each other’s yearbooks anymore after high school? Stress. Not to worry, now it's all multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank.
It's not every day that somebody asks you to help them commit murder and is totally serious about it. But getaway drivers don't grow on trees.
Ladies, for most of you, there will come a point in your life when you will have to choose between either going out on a date with me or a convicted sex offender.
It can happen anywhere, anytime, and for just about any reason. From morning wood to Pedro's savior, these are the boners of our lives.
Attention ladies open to same-sex chemistry: one-night courses of study now available! Female professor, flexible hours, discreet enrollment.
The college experience isn't at universal as you think. Some campuses actually have RA's who care... and Asians!