Heather Ossoff’s Son Just Got Elected to the Senate—Maybe You Should Give Him a Call Some Time, Honey!
Now, I know how you feel about your mother giving you tips, but honey: he has a lifetime salary and great health insurance.
Now, I know how you feel about your mother giving you tips, but honey: he has a lifetime salary and great health insurance.
Teasing you about when they go on sale and then stealing them from your virtual cart in less than a millisecond is my definition of fun.
As a dude who’s got a bachelor's in biz dev, a 2.6 GPA, and has read most of the first quarter of "Infinite Jest," this shouldn't be all that hard.
Think of it as a chat room, but all audio. So you’re literally chatting. With strangers! Some of them are experts. That's what I've heard, anyway.
We’ll start with an easy one here to get this going: A Three-Hour Corporate PowerPoint Presentation with Required Participation.
Are you… still buying kale? Please tell me I’m not the only one. Oh God, I have so much kale.
My purple pom-pom has been on the handle and ready to go since March. The places you take me, I would never ever go alone.
I was hoping to catch up this week to discuss how our Product You’ve Never Heard Of can quadruple your annual revenue.
I can't really tell from the photo—is it an attractive car? Will adult men try to jump on top of my car whenever I'm stopped at a light?
Getting walked all over is one thing. But being abandoned is what hurts me most of all.
Into each person's home, some cursed objects will unintentionally be brought. SOME. The operative word there being "SOME," and NOT "many."
Let’s start with an easy one…. ah, 3-down: “Leader of the cult kidnapping our children and poisoning our liberties.” "Obama." Boom!