Meeting Minutes from the Latest Conspiracy Theorists Group Gathering
18:04: Minutes are not approved as [REDACTED] has challenged the accounting and believes that someone has edited the minutes
18:04: Minutes are not approved as [REDACTED] has challenged the accounting and believes that someone has edited the minutes
Question 3: You and the gals are out on the town when a guy you have a crush on starts hitting on one of your friends. What’s your move?
You might be thinking, "There will surely be other sales or even another Toyotathon soon." Well, you'd be a category-A asshole to think that.
Nobody likes working a job where their accomplishments go unrecognized or unnoticed, covert Russian hackers included.
Everyone thinks they know me and my story ever since they saw me standing majestically in the foreground of a snow-covered mountain.
The drawer that still sticks, the third night of leftovers, the same old view out the window: just a few reasons travelers find us so unforgettable.
Seriously, I cannot keep having these sales, because the last guy just bought a bajillion mattresses and we had no idea what to do with them.
Your doctor has horrible penmanship, so I'm really just going with my gut feeling here. I know exactly as much about your medication as you do.
The keyless key fob is another amazing tool, even though I constantly have to search the house because my dumb husband lost it again.
I would have given zero stars if I could! It’s really amazing what’s “not an option” up here.
My astrology app once said that I was destined for greatness, but I thought that meant a diet tea sponsorship on Instagram or a successful Etsy shop.
The reality is that most of us haven’t been skydiving, invented a new technology, gotten bit by a shark, or know how to tap dance.