It’s Totally Fine That He Didn’t Text Me Back
Alright, let me check my phone. No response? That’s completely cool. I’ll just play with my dog for a little bit.
Alright, let me check my phone. No response? That’s completely cool. I’ll just play with my dog for a little bit.
Watch “Multiplication, Division, and YOU!” There is no link, so you, a third-grader, will need to do a Google video search and hope for the best.
Sure, our football team has been subpar ever since Brent Bryerson graduated three years ago, but that isn't a concern.
Earlier this afternoon I saw an unidentified man meet his life’s untimely finish line right on the same athletic track where we competed as teens.
It’s water under the bridge, just like when you’ve lodged yourself under my couch, even when you overheated and almost set my apartment on fire.
Franz takes issue with his dad for unsolicited career advice and "being a bit of a tyrant" (wait until he meets you, not that it's a competition).
Subsequent to receiving this letter, you will hear ABBA songs inside your head everywhere you go, no matter what you happen to be doing.
When your body dies, want your mind to stay alive? Sure, you do! With HAUNTED LIVING, LLC implant your ghost in any solid object.
Who else is willing to be drenched by the grease of your chicken a la finger basket? Let’s see Facebook try and do that.
Can you babysit my child or pick up my packages since you're home? What a perfect opportunity to procrastinate and help a neighbor for zero dollars.
All of West Tampa’s aristocrats, from Hulk Hogan to the purveyor of Oxyclean, would cavort around his twirling menagerie of slushie machines.
1. Did you work? Answer YES if you worked during the week, engaged in emotional labor, or if you sat up in and/or got out of bed.