The Comedic Male Genius’ Guide to Literary Humor for Lady Writers
And then it hit me: if Jessica is begging for my wisdom, there must be dozens of other hot girl writers who are crying out for my help, too.
And then it hit me: if Jessica is begging for my wisdom, there must be dozens of other hot girl writers who are crying out for my help, too.
The above ground pool with leaves in it is a well-known suburban standard in which a sad kid’s eyes can get wistfully lost.
My cat was born in hell. She exists solely to antagonize me and if anything ever happened to her I would kill everyone and then kill myself.
Thank goodness I’m still booking kindergarten graduations and Mormon cosplay through Cameo.
Some boats are still offering rides, but this is a scam. They don’t want money, they want to flip you into the water so they can laugh at you.
Geology "Is that the one with all the countries," one would ask oneself, mistakenly. To avoid confusion, Geology should be called "Rocks."
I have never taken contracts from the Department of Defense, the CIA, FEMA, or Burkina Faso. Our biggest buyer last year was Betty Hansen.
I read Act I of your screenplay "The Library" while sighing and pretending to process your order.
We’ve worked everything out with our mediator, Coffee Table. You can sit with me, Loveseat, on weeknights and with Chaise for naps on weekends.
I abide religiously by three principles: stay out of the sun, get plenty of sleep, and bathe in the blood of virgin women.
My operating system may look like it could run on a Fisher-Price, but don't be fooled by the over-sized print or intuitive icons. I am a UX terror.
I say, I say, I wished in one hand, pooped in the other, and all I got was pie in the face.