My Week as an Assistant to Andy Warhol During the “Oxidation” Series
Wednesday: After pissing out 6 cups of coffee, 8 cups of orange juice, and a bottle of Gatorade, I collapsed in a state of near catatonia.
Wednesday: After pissing out 6 cups of coffee, 8 cups of orange juice, and a bottle of Gatorade, I collapsed in a state of near catatonia.
Why is everyone taking this so seriously? Don’t let anyone see you almost cry after two rounds of this warm-up or you’ll get pegged as whiney.
I am a robot whose contribution to popular culture burned bright but was brief. No one cares about Mars Rover anymore, because it's not 2003.
My dream came so close to fruition my senior year in college, when my roommate Jim and I started a “pop-thresh garage-inflected post-grunge” band.
Inside the envelope, you will find a series of riddles that you must answer in the languages in which they are provided. Spelling counts.
Once I’m on to videos I know there’s no going back and I’m going to hate myself for the rest of the afternoon.
The forces of nature want us to be together until we die or I get bored, and here "forces of nature" means things I deliberately orchestrated.
Not many people know this, but my bees once stung the hell out of Mario Cuomo. That’s right, this horde of insects is a part of New York history.
Nearby, a woman shits in the street. This symbolism is unclear. But I’m grateful for the diverse and unique ways that others connect with God.
Every morning, I wake up and eat a motivational quote for breakfast sprinkled with positive-flavored hemp seeds.
I propped cushions and draped a blanket to be safe from the hospitable elements--the laughter, the bonding, the strengthening over some foolish game.
Is it really necessary to go through the garbage can? Yes, I see the notes you’ve found. They’re also from my mother.