What to Do When Your Second-Grader Brings Home Bad Artwork
Now that you’ve sufficiently tortured your sweet angel for the past hour, make him watch as you make your own macaroni artwork.
Now that you’ve sufficiently tortured your sweet angel for the past hour, make him watch as you make your own macaroni artwork.
Also, there seems to be woman flying to and from number 17 Cherry Tree Lane by means of an umbrella.
I know I certainly didn't fight my way through twelve miles of wilderness with no face to allow big government to turn all of our kids autistic.
I want to assure Rewards Members that we are now extending free counseling to all members and not just Gold-Level as with past homicides.
It’s part of a system called “Symbiotic Habitation via Environmental Design,” or SHED. It’s also called SHED because it’s basically just a shed.
"Fyre Fight": An anticipatory look back at the time-wasting Fyre Fest content wars of 2019.
You're enjoying this, aren't you? You’re the kind of person who kneads dough for an unnecessarily long time to be sure the yeasts can't escape.
“I’m not racist,” I say, laughing. “The first guy who sexually assaulted me was white.”
I’m sorry I climbed a utility pole outside during halftime to hang a handmade flag with my team’s logo.
9:07 PM: You wonder if you were actually the one who made the comment about the band name and have been replaced by an Adam Levine. You’re not sure.
In the event of a water landing, beneath your seat is a compartment that contains a credit card application in a waterproof pouch.
Putting yourself into extremely dangerous situations isn't a sin. If you survive, your life is more exciting, but if you die, Jesus will be waiting.