Role-Play for Normal People with Boring Jobs
The mood is erotic, as an IKEA lap shines on the nightstand, the kids are at a sleepover, and "Now That’s What I Call Music 51" plays that one song you like.
The mood is erotic, as an IKEA lap shines on the nightstand, the kids are at a sleepover, and "Now That’s What I Call Music 51" plays that one song you like.
If you took Fenodoxline for depression, chances are you're going to get sadder. If you took Fenodoxline for foot cramps, there is a high chance you'll lose your hands.
Thanks to customers like you, we are proving that there is no point in using your hand when you can put your dick directly into a silicone tube.
It's not because your hair is so bad in the morning that dainty bunnies have tried to mate with it. Thankfully, it's everything else wrong with you.
As a male, I am biologically obligated to mentally have sex with Flo from Progressive. How would it go? What would it be like in those starchy white pants?
Principal Legree, you hold three college degrees, but have only a pathetic 583 followers. And you claim to rule me? I OWN WESTWOOD HIGH SCHOOL NOW.
The creative process is cool but I need some serious money. I bet you crave the same. Digest my three-part prescriptive program for making millions.
After the success of last month's Existential Sack Race, and the rising popularity of the Depression Dash, we've decided to add a new event to our roster.
Christ and friends are at a very special little coffee shop in Marquette, Michigan where, to everyone's great surprise, they make an outstanding discovery: Bigfoot!
Thank you for submitting your piece, "12 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bread," to LaughSmack. What you have written is absolute filth.
With only a few minor changes, Mr. Goodell, you can eradicate the tarnish of capitalism from your nefarious NFL and jump-start The Revolution!
"Although it's clear there's certainly some raw talent here, it needs to be given a good spit shine. Also, rocking bod, Beth." -Gary Summers, Washington Post