Lyndon B. Johnson Addresses Congress Regarding John F. Kennedy Going Away to a Farm Upstate
It is sad, yes, but he is in a better place. I am told at the farm there is a little pond with some swans in it.
It is sad, yes, but he is in a better place. I am told at the farm there is a little pond with some swans in it.
“We’re not in the boardroom anymore, eh fellas?” I said. But Ross seemed genuinely injured.
Would you mind making me a logo for my new insect-dessert business? I was going to hire someone, but they wanted to charge me a few hundred dollars.
You may have noticed by now I’ve not typed a single word in over three hours. Don’t be alarmed. It’s all part of the process.
People are buying your data. What people? Well, maybe not people in general, but definitely the hideous creature you created.
Remember how I never explicitly say that I’m gay, and instead always couch it in weird innuendos?
He never juggles with some cheap-y plastic bowling pins and always uses solid wood ones with sparkly decals. Using bargain pins is disrespectful.
Too much fruit: I've eaten six tons of papaya, 3,500 grapefruits, 0 apples, 700 oranges, more grapes than I can count, and a plethora of colorful berries.
Anyone who tries to create a paradox gets stopped by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku and his incredible superpowers.
Having never been to a mandatory restaurant before, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Marshall-Chase-Spiderman-Sit-Down-Now was delightful!
And your little ghost friends? They can’t spend the night. All of you swirling around in a big circle above the roof.
Has that ever happened to you? Where your body is moving but your mind starts to dissociate? I bought party hats! Who wants one?