Paul @Corinthians
@Corinthians Love is patient love is kind. It does not filter, it does not crop, it is not thirsty #Paul #RunTellThat
@Corinthians Love is patient love is kind. It does not filter, it does not crop, it is not thirsty #Paul #RunTellThat
Your comment was “Bite me.” Since you did not check any of the five action boxes we provided, we are not sure what action to take.
I think we can all agree: it is odd how a single (accidental text message / vote with my fellow Cardinals) can change the course of history
A handful of those tri-colored diabetic nightmares leave me physically ill with my head pulsing in pain. And guess what? I’m into it.
Iced lava. Coal brew. There Was Blood, A Long Time Ago. Dinosaur Smoothie. Tyrannosaurus rocks. Triceratopped off.
The lady perched by a theme-park Eiffel Tower, clasping a suspiciously shiny handbag, and hoping security doesn’t notice she jumped the gate, is me!
Even today, when I see his head, my mind goes wild with possibilities, envisioning all the dirty dishes that I could set down upon it.
Suit and tie? Business casual? I think the Leatherface on my t-shirt will let you know what I think about them.
The hostess had my children help her out in the kitchen this morning, chopping vegetables and stirring a great big soup pot.
The thickness of the summer air has once again damned you. I say, I’m going to return with some hot coals to singe those satan ropes.
For PE period, Mr. Smith will lead you in a round of mumblety peg, which he informs us has something to do with knife-throwing! Zany!
Isolated and idle, alcohol became my only sidekick and I didn’t care if it was shaken or stirred as long as it was in my mouth.