You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bigger Boat: New, Scarier Entries in the “Jaws” Franchise
JAWNIMBO: Not In My Back Ocean: Amity Island is stunned when a new arrival threatens its coast: sustainable wind turbines.
JAWNIMBO: Not In My Back Ocean: Amity Island is stunned when a new arrival threatens its coast: sustainable wind turbines.
Your Date reserves the right to describe your physical shortcomings, erroneous grammar, ill-chosen wardrobe, and sub-par erotic technique in detail.
What do you people want from me? To jump in my bald-eagle-shaped submarine and hand-deliver it to one of your warehouses?
This simple 7-ingredient recipe will elevate your baking beyond the falsehoods of flavor and morality.
I am partially responsible for the continued shrinking of the middle class and growing wage gap among workers. I am sick about it.
Just like wolf mamas out in the wild, she has a den (our closet) where she keeps her babies (plushies, only the ones with faces).
Art Exploitation Camp: Campers will learn the ropes about running noisy, overpriced museum cafés.
Not to be a prude, but when you’re loud late at night it keeps me awake when I’m trying to sleep.
I was so concerned to hear that, after entering your data, you were presented with a mangled 1988 Pontiac Fiero covered in blood, shit, and fire.
First, it’s important that you accept the fact that some things in life cannot be changed.
Meg’s going to spend waaay too much time giving you unnecessary exposition about the morning of said funny story.
I take a moment to appreciate how mindfully the grizzly is stalking me. Such purpose!