Neighbor, I See Your Little Watering Hose and Raise You This Mighty Power-Washing Wand
At 8 PM on Thursday, my basketball hoop is going to look brand-spanking new. I don’t have to care about your family or your kids.
At 8 PM on Thursday, my basketball hoop is going to look brand-spanking new. I don’t have to care about your family or your kids.
I intended to flee, but did not expect to crawl through what appears to be two and a half football fields worth of human shit.
His portrayal of sexual obsession and lustful yearning is so convincing, a social worker from CPS has come to watch three consecutive performances.
If in doubt, release a canary (oh, you should bring a canary) into a ventilation shaft and observe it carefully.
I honestly don’t know what I did before I conquered the Choff Quadrant and seized their Time Hex, sending them into a thousand years of chaotic darkness.
Cleveland is nothing if not unique. Have you ever BEEN to Cleveland’s own franchise, the Harry Buffalo Saloon?
I respect the State of California’s 100-yard rule, and I value precision, which is why I bought one hundred yardsticks at Home Depot.
Suddenly, I was all she could talk about: “He’s been compared to a modern-day Brando, you know,” I overheard her telling her sister on the phone.
With your current design, there’s no way to know if someone is approaching. I don’t think a homeowner should ever put himself in a situation like that.
‘Twas something of a bloodbath, all told, but was this not what thou asked for? Well, Happy Father’s Day.
Haven't done much birdwatching lately. Birdfeeder full of bird shit. Ex-wife and Rick going strong.
Turn on a television set in a dark room, dial into a channel that only plays static, and place both your palms against the glass.