Editor’s Response to Martin Luther’s Feedback for the Cover Design of 95 Theses
Let me know if "Indulgence preachers hate him!" works for you as a tagline.
Let me know if "Indulgence preachers hate him!" works for you as a tagline.
We will have an authentic Old Crone sitting in the back of your wedding venue, looking out of place and muttering curses under her breath.
I was the one who asked for it, and I had a lot of success at first: one, two, three! Three brides! Ah, ah, ah!
At first, I thought, maybe it’s because he’s been streaming a lot of Tame Impala lately and there’s some kind of strange Australia connection there.
“James, how did it get to this point?” I don’t know. I noticed some mold a while back, but nothing more aggressive than the average moist home.
Any day can be your last and your family knows that. Next time your kids think of talking back to you, they'll picture you not being here anymore.
You have six-pack abs? I have six-dollar abs. It’s six dollar bills.
The Gig options are: package deliverer, meal deliverer, startup online pharmacy deliverer, driver, and graphic designer (Masters’ Degree preferred).
Dad: The town’s richest family used to own that. Now, everyone goes to Wally-Mart... Me: You have like, 17 pants from Walmart.
We, the authors (your neighborhood walking group), are hopeful that an analysis of our findings will lead you to finally shut the fuck up about this.
Kyle and Derek began training me on all subject matters of the world like philosophy and what Derek would refer to as “dank-ass internet shitposts.”
It was not I who called her “a useless swath of dogshit,” it was, in fact, Chicago crime lord Tony Ligitano.