The full archives of all retired humor columns on Points in Case since 1999.

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Est. 2015

Don't Read This
By Charles Hartley

Questionable imperatives and utterly uninsightful nonsense from a desperate existentialist with all the answers.

Est. 2014

Calculated Thrust
By Jacob Trowbridge

A twisted yet precise approach to every hip twitch and pelvic maneuver you'll need to bend life over and pleasure it into submission.

Est. 2013

Indiscriminate Crushage
By Cole F.M.

A wordsplosion of idiocy and advice so profound, you'll be left winded and wondering what the hell happened to your pants.

Bad Acid
By Mike Lamb

Like being tied up & thrown into a windowless van made of dark comedy, fueled by psychotic drunken tales of sex, drugs, & the apocalypse.

Note that PIC was a college humor-focused publication from 1999-2012.

Est. 2012

Hungry Hungry Hippocampus
By Jeff Gassen

Food for thought, if your brain ran on sophisticated overinterpretation, critical drinking skills, religious paradox, and strategems.

Lady Bits
By Codie Leiker

Absurdly witty tales of Midwest life from a lady with a penchant for pop culture references, boxed wine, and Star Wars-nights in her Forever Lazy.

Much Love with Jimmy Pudge
By Jimmy Pudge

The life and times of a lowlife living the high life. There's always a party in Jimmy's pants, and you're invited. P.S. He still loves you, crazy Waffle House bitch.

Talking Out of Turn
By Jessica Wachtel

The firsthand account of one girl's quest to navigate through a world of the absurd, while keeping her common sense about her.

Est. 2010

Art School Dropout
By Bill Dixon

Intimate tales of life, love and self-absorption through the narcissistic lens of an art school dropout looking for adventure.

Head Over Heels
By Yaro Shepherd

A thorough, intelligent examination of the male psyche and the pressures of society, sprinkled liberally with boobs and drinking.

Sexual Solitaire
By Ashley Garmany

The humbling account of one girl's journey thru singledom as she pursues new adventures & relationships yet always ends up fucking herself.

Cell F Indulgence
By JW Emerson

The sexual, egocentric thoughts of a man who lurks in the dark corners of your mind, ready to corrupt your thoughts.

The Break Room
By Robert King

In-depth, absurd and hilarious backstories and breakdowns of funny videos posted to our partner site,

Standards of Propriety
By Charlie Mihelich

An enticing collection of short stories that read like a fine chianti paired with a meticulously seasoned porterhouse.

By Don Joe

Office comedy from a guy stuck in the company from Purgatory, fighting the machine but never inflicting any damage.

Est. 2009

A Loon with a View
By Andrei Trostel

Sarcastic, eye-opening observations from someone crazy enough to tell you the truth and leave you questioning your own reality.

No Gag Reflex
By Mike Cannon

The trials and tribulations of a bottom-feeding NYC comedian with the work ethic of a Thai sweat shop kid, and the sexual ambition of a 16-year-old bulimic girl.

The Weight of the World
By Atlas Jobinson

An illuminating look at the faults of society through the eyes of an eternal pessimist.

Peter Pan Syndrome
By Alex Boonstra

A maelstrom of exaggerated fables from a narcissist clinging to his youth through comedy.

Ask Fugly Slut
By Fugly Slut

Simultaneously titillating, repulsive, and insightful advice from a 237-year-old bisexual Civil War veteran hungry for love.

The Classy Bastard
By Eric Ott

A triple malt blend of truth, lies and a splash of crazy, from a self-indulgent humanist nice enough to slip something into your drink.

Est. 2008

Experimental Comedy
By Paul Frank

Outrageous and absurd comedy with no point other than to make you laugh, or run home screaming bloody controversy.

Thank Me Later
By Casey Freeman

Reports and wisdom from a college grad lamenting the end of dining hall food, forbidden dorm sex, and a complete lack of responsibility.

Nick Moose's View
By Nick Moose

ADD-fueled power comedy from the nicest self-centered perspective you'll ever read.

Atypical Man
By The Man

A short story series offering an existential glance into the life of one of the most pitiful specimens of man and his relentless attempts to get laid.

The Alcoholic Medium
By Allen Waters

A drunk, R-rated version of Chicken Soup for the Soul from the intoxicating and irreverent mind of a professional frat guy.

Est. 2007

The YouTube Critic
By Harold Longfellow

A look at the best and the worst YouTube has to offer by a man driven to internet writing after rejection from the cruel world of cinema.

Fringe Benefits
By J.M. Lucci

Off-tilt observations of the unnoticed perks of college life, because sometimes a normal, hedonistic experience just isn't enough.

Against Your Will
By Jonathan Marine

An eloquent disposition on the experiences and people inherent to college life from the perspective of an outright asshole.

Beaver Fever
By Brent Stone

The mildly misogynistic ramblings of a young man struggling to walk the line between being happy and being sober.

Est. 2006

The Scholarly Tabloid
By E. Mike Tuckerson

An objectively opinionated exposé of current collegiate issues and quirks of the modern world, without regard for accuracy or morals.

The Lady's Shave
By NG Hatfield

The dark, satirical thoughts of a lady's man with a creative mind for getting into and out of your pants without your knowledge.

The Strumpet's Trumpet
By Allison Parks

An enchanting collection of real-life tales from the sexy, fast-paced lifestyle of a bachelorette with a knack for kicking up the dirt.

Three Beers Deep
By Chris Phelan
An assortment of guides, stories, and observational humor from a guy who realized writing a weekly column can't be done sober.

Est. 2005

Bang for Your Buck
David Nelson
An edgy and inspirational approach to the best and worst parts of life that will get inside your head and kick your brain's ass.

Balls to the Wall
By Dan Opp

A critical, humorous take on the sports world from a self-diagnosed sports addict looking for the ultimate fix.

Primal Urges
By Nathan DeGraaf

A showcase of one male's pathetic attempts to fight his basic instincts and grow up, despite the fact that the very idea makes him sick.

About Last Night…
By Ali Wisch

A candid account of the sexcapades and relationships of a post-college girl in search of Mr. Right, and her experiences with Mr. Right now.

Est. 2004

Edited for Content
By Mike Forest

A wry, often smiting look at life and society. Fulfill your inquisitive urge with these thoughtful, deliberate 1-2 punches.

The Hard Way
By Mike Faerber

A retrospective guide to surviving and making the most of your college experience. Learn how to do it right… from the guy who always gets it wrong.

Est. 2003

Casual Misanthropy
JD Boston
An offbeat, laugh-out-loud look at the finer points of college life from the inappropriate mind of a cynical Bostonian.

The Rollercoaster of Drama
By Simonne Cullen
An intimate look at the in's and out's, he said/she said's, and irreverent monotony of college life at a small liberal arts school.

Ask Nicole
Nicole McKaig
General college advice and perspective. Lost your keys? Ripped your jeans? Chances are you need to ask her something!

Deer Court
By Court (the deer)

Straightforward hunting, outdoors, and general life advice from an optimistic, big-buck whitetail out of Charleston, WV.

The News: JAY KAY!
By Amir Blumenfeld
A collegiate approach to current events. Not since The Daily Show have kids been so inadvertently and comedically informed on the issues.

Est. 2002

By Emmanuel Witzman

Intriguing college observations and witticisms from the refined, yet curiously comedic voice of a Canadian university student.

Est. 1999

Points in Case
Court Sullivan
A compilation of the oddest and most intriguing aspects of college life. The original college humor column that started the website in 1999.